Let me tell you a story. A Chinese farmer and his wife were walking through the market. They found someone selling the most beautiful bamboo they’d ever seen. They walked over and asked, “How long did this take to grow?” The crop owner replied, “Only 5 weeks!” Seeing the amazing potential in front of them, […]


January 3, 2018

1 thing you need to succeed as a birth photographer.

birth photography education

This is everything. This is what your clients think of when they think “birth photography.” I love to call this moment, the “I did it” moment. It’s the split second when mom is like “holy crap I just did that!” Sometimes moms are elated, sometimes they cry hysterically and sometimes they just lay back and […]

Birth Photography Tips

October 6, 2017

3 steps to capture the “I did it” moment in birth photography

how to capture the I did it moment in birth photography

The question every photographer kinda sorta dreads… “how much do you charge?” At times, it feels overwhelming to consistently find clients who are willing to pay your prices. After running a photography business for 6 years, specializing in birth photography, here are 5 ways I’ve found mamas that are willing to pay my birth photography prices. […]

Marketing, Pricing

September 19, 2017

How to find clients who will pay your birth photography prices (part 1)

behind the scenes birth photographer

Follow the beauty in birth