Birth photography tips for newbies. First of all, I’d like to repeat some things I said on my Facebook group recently. I was taking a walk today and thinking about when I first started my birth photography journey. I’ve also been looking through some past journals and just reflecting on how overwhelmed I felt, […]
October 5, 2018
A big debate between birth photographers a few years ago was whether or not they should use flash at births. The whole idea of birth photography is to be a “fly on the wall”, and a flash kind of defeats that purpose. For a long time it was kind of controversial to use flash. Now […]
September 11, 2018
This is everything. This is what your clients think of when they think “birth photography.” I love to call this moment, the “I did it” moment. It’s the split second when mom is like “holy crap I just did that!” Sometimes moms are elated, sometimes they cry hysterically and sometimes they just lay back and […]
October 6, 2017