Here’s the thing… you’ve had a lot thrown at you this year girl. Chances are, your business has taken a hit due to lockdown orders and quarantine and hospital restrictions. Chances are, you’re homeschooling or virtual schooling your kids and that was NOT on your list of plans. All while wondering how […]

Business of Birth Photography, podcast

November 4, 2020

3 Ways to Create an Extra 10 Hours in Your Week so You Can Work On Your Business

So, you’re here because you want to know how to book birth photography clients… but FIRST …  Let’s talk about WHY you should have a birth photography consultation? The birth photography consultation is like a marriage proposal. You’re asking for commitment. You’re asking for the sale at the consultation. All the things you do leading […]

Business of Birth Photography, Marketing

August 2, 2018

How to book birth photography clients: the consultation

Birth Photography Education

Today, we’re talking about the one marketing activity that’s grown my business a lot in the last four years. It’s something that not a lot of photographers are doing. In fact, I polled a group of local photographers here and asked who has an email list that they’re actively using, and 75% said they don’t […]

Business of Birth Photography, Marketing

February 15, 2018

If I started all over again, I’d do this (and I’ll show you how!) | Birth Photography Education

marketing for birth photographers

The question every photographer kinda sorta dreads… “how much do you charge?” At times, it feels overwhelming to consistently find clients who are willing to pay your prices. After running a photography business for 6 years, specializing in birth photography, here are 5 ways I’ve found mamas that are willing to pay my birth photography prices. […]

Marketing, Pricing

September 19, 2017

How to find clients who will pay your birth photography prices (part 1)

behind the scenes birth photographer

Follow the beauty in birth