4 Steps to Start Your Birth Photography Business From Scratch



Let’s talk about this question I got in a Youtube video:

“My biggest struggle is knowing where to start. Do I focus on a model call, my website, start collecting e-mails, blogging, social media? There’s so much stuff to do. I kind of feel overwhelmed at where to start. Can you relate to that?”

All of the things that she said are all things that I am talking about all the time:

  • Social Media
  • Blogging Website
  • Collecting E-mails

I know that when I am throwing those things out, it can feel like “you are starting a bunch of little projects and never really finishing them” and “do not know where to start when it comes to your Birth Photography business.” And I know how easy it is to just like sit and overwhelm.



This episode is for you, if you want to get started in birth photography or photography in general, but have been sitting on the sidelines because you’re not sure where to start, or maybe you’ve tried a couple of things to get going with your business and get things off the ground, but they’re just not working. With these steps, I’m going to assume that you’re truly starting from zero and you can find where you are in this process and just start there.



You do not have to be a master and understand every single thing, every single piece, and every single option of photography. What I mean by camera proficiency is you just understand how to use your camera:

  • You know how to shoot in manual
  • You know how to troubleshoot if something goes wrong
  • You are confident going into a session or birth, whichever you might be doing, that you can perform that task well and consistently.

Consistently, meaning, from client to client, they’re each getting a consistent gallery and a consistent product from you. If you’re not sure if you’ve mastered that, ask yourself this: do you know what you’re going to do when you get to the session? Do you have a system in your mind for how to execute that session? That’s a really good way to know if you are able to deliver a product to your clients consistently.

It’s not only using your camera well, but it’s also executing a session in a way that can be duplicated over and over so your clients know what they’re going to get from you.



Number two is getting your Business Name, Legal Status, and Business Bank Account. These are the basics, no matter what kind of business you’re starting.

And while you’re at it, take note of the following Basic Business Do’s:

  • Do separate your business expenses and income from your personal. It just makes everything so much easier when it comes to bookkeeping and accounting. Most banks will let you open up a business checking account for free or for a very low minimum.
  • Do treat your business as it is—a business! Treating your business like a hobby gets you hobby-type results. When you’re treating your business like a business from the beginning, that’s when you’re going to get better results.

Need help with business basics? Visit taviaredburn.com/workbook and I will walk you through for FREE on the fundamentals like lining up reliable childcare, getting the legal side of your business set up, finding backup birth photographers, setting prices, choosing equipment for birth photography, and more.



This is where I would start shouting from the rooftops in any place possible that I’m in business and I’m looking to build my portfolio. However, you will not find your ideal clients most likely, because chances are you will be discounting your prices, getting paid just enough to cover your costs to get as much experience as possible.

The more that you can specialize and specifically speak to one type of photography, the easier it is to be seen. Building your “photography portfolio” is very broad and will make people less likely to remember or hire you even for a discount. On the other hand, creating your “birth photography portfolio” specifically will make people more likely to pay attention and will surely help you more to stand out.

To effectively build your portfolio for promotion:

  • Stick to one thing for now. Choose if it is birth, newborn, or maternity, make that happen and then move on to the next thing. I would highly recommend it be birth or newborn because those are big milestone events that people are used to hiring a photographer for.
  • You can use your personal page or profile for this on Facebook or Instagram, or create an Instagram account or Facebook fan page for promotion.

We have an entire Model Call System and Framework that lays this out inside of our certification for birth photographers. You can find it at thebeautyinbirth.net/shop or get it as a free bonus when you join The Beauty in Birth photographers.



The fourth step after promotion is progress, not perfection. Once you get into that promotion phase and you’re starting to get some clients, or you’re starting to work towards getting some clients, there might be a lot of things that you didn’t realize you didn’t know. And I just want you to know that that’s normal and not to get discouraged and think that you’re not doing the right thing or you’re not on the right track.

You don’t have to be this perfect award-winning photographer to get started. There are moms all the time who are willing to get a discount to work with you even if you’re just starting out.

Don’t sit and overwhelm, just start somewhere.


I hope that this was helpful for you and gave you some ideas and some inspiration on how to get those first few things done. I know it can be easy to look at all the things you “should be doing”, but the truth is it’s pretty basic to get started. It’s just a matter of doing it instead of letting yourself feel overwhelmed. 

Questions? I would love to help you out! Visit taviaredburn.com/ask and drop any question that you’d like about photography, business, building a six-figure business, homeschooling and working, and anything that you think I can help you with. You can also DM me on Instagram.



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