Review of Custom USBs from USB Memory Direct
Guys, my customers are my top priority. I am so thankful for them. Without their confidence and faith in me and my brand of photography, there is no way I would be where I am today, having retired my husband from his 9-5 and supporting my family by doing what I love every day!
Because of that, the total customer experience is so, so important to me. I love taking care of the mamas I serve! I’ve said it plenty of times, but it is important to me that in my birth and newborn photography business, I consistently under-promise and over-deliver. I always want to make sure I’m delivering the highest quality product possible. From the photos I take (obviously) down to the little details– like how they receive those photos.
Today I want to share with you how I deliver my digital files. These custom laser-engraved wooden USB drives from USB Memory Direct.
I know not all of you provide physical USB drives, but I like to do this for one main reason:
It gives the client a physical, tangible thing to walk away with at the end of the ordering appointment.
After my family views their slideshow at the ordering appointment, I hand them one of these to take home. My customers are always surprised and excited to walk away with these. Dads in particular are excited about them! It’s so nice to be able to hand them a physical product when they are spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on photos.
Recently USB Memory Direct reached out to me to try out their product, and guys, I’m SO happy I agreed.
USB Memory Direct has a ton of customizable options, and you can even work with their design team to create a completely custom USB design.
I chose the wooden Tower design with my logo laser engraved.
And I received these beauties – clean, simple and completely on brand with my studio and photography style.

I believe little touches like these really add to the overall client experience, and that’s what I really want for the mamas I serve.

I’m really happy with these and I do plan to continue to order more of the same design down the road. Shipping to the US and Canada is free. Check them out on Instagram at @usbmemorydirect or on their website to see more fun examples of their USB designs.
This is HUGE ! My husband and I got married in Las Vegas and the company that we chose also surprised us with a similar take home flash drive. Great marketing!