So, you’re here because you want to know how to book birth photography clients… but FIRST …  Let’s talk about WHY you should have a birth photography consultation? The birth photography consultation is like a marriage proposal. You’re asking for commitment. You’re asking for the sale at the consultation. All the things you do leading […]

Business of Birth Photography, Marketing

August 2, 2018

How to book birth photography clients: the consultation

Birth Photography Education

I’m making a pretty bold promise here, How to run a successful model call and book your first 5 birth photography clients in 30 days. I believe it can happen and you can do it!!     Why a Model Call? A model call is really good for getting those first few births that you need […]


April 3, 2018

How to run a successful model call and book your first 5 birth photography clients in 30 days

How to run a successful model call and book your first 5 birth photography clients in 30 days

Today, we’re talking about the one marketing activity that’s grown my business a lot in the last four years. It’s something that not a lot of photographers are doing. In fact, I polled a group of local photographers here and asked who has an email list that they’re actively using, and 75% said they don’t […]

Business of Birth Photography, Marketing

February 15, 2018

If I started all over again, I’d do this (and I’ll show you how!) | Birth Photography Education

marketing for birth photographers

Today I’m going to talk to you about birth photography contracts.   I’m starting with the basics here. It’s really important to make sure your clients are on the same page as you by listing things out on paper.   So, let’s talk about *WHY* you need a birth photography contract. If you’re a portrait […]

Business of Birth Photography

February 8, 2018

What to include in your birth photography contract

birth photography contract template

Let me tell you a story. A Chinese farmer and his wife were walking through the market. They found someone selling the most beautiful bamboo they’d ever seen. They walked over and asked, “How long did this take to grow?” The crop owner replied, “Only 5 weeks!” Seeing the amazing potential in front of them, […]


January 3, 2018

1 thing you need to succeed as a birth photographer.

birth photography education

Follow the beauty in birth