What if You Could Make $1,000 in 1 Week Anytime Business Was Slow?

If you’re like most motherhood photographers, you want a reliable way to make money during slow seasons WITHOUT doing flash sales.

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The $1k in 10 Days Challenge is for Motherhood Photographers who want a way to bring in money during slow seasons without sacrificing the brand value they've worked so hard to build!

I’ve run this challenge in the past and students made anywhere from $700-$1300 in 1 week.

The $1,000 in 10 Days Challenge

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Like Ashley:

Or Gabby who made $750 right away, potentially $1300:

Imagine having 2-3 products or offers in your back pocket that you can pull out anytime you have a slow season to make some quick cash! 

This challenge was originally shared with The Beauty in Birth® Photography  students and they had such amazing results I knew I had to bring it to more photographers!! 

are you next?

10+ Pages of wording for emails & social media posts (so you’re not stuck trying to figure out HOW to implement these ideas.)

7 No-Fluff Video lessons explaining each method step-by-step 

2 Non-Client Ways You Can Bring in Revenue Without Discounting (and de-valuing your brand)  my favorite one makes you money AND enhances your brand 

4 Client Specific Ways You Can Make Money Without Bringing in Any New Clients (I use method 1, 2 and 5 every year to make thousands extra in slow seasons)!

What You'll Get in the Challenge:

Specific examples for how I’ve done these in Tavia Redburn Photography including mockups and pages you can copy to use in your promotions.

BONUS6 ADDITIONAL ways to boost your income during slow seasons

frequently asked questions

Motherhood Photographers who have photographed at least 5 paying clients 

If you don’t have any clients or have only photographed 1-2 sessions for free, this might not be for you. I designed this for motherhood photographers who’ve photographed at least 5 paying sessions and fully understand their camera and how to deliver great images to their clients 

A couple of the methods are specifically for photographers who photograph newborn, birth, maternity or family sessions. If you don’t photograph any of these, the other 4 ideas would work but you might have to get a little creative with 2 of them and think outside the box. 

Yes! I want you to feel confident purchasing from me. While this is an incredible deal and just ONE of these methods is worth much more than $97 in your business, if you decide this isn’t incredibly valuable information just email within 3 days of your purchase to request a refund. 

What’s standing in the way of you finally getting a way (or 2, or 3 ways) to bring in money during slow seasons without offering flash sales and devaluing your brand?? 

Listen, even as a full-time photographer, there are lulls in bookings and that’s totally normal. 

These strategies can help ease the stress or temptation to run a flash sale or promotion. Use these methods to keep your revenue consistent so you can focus on making a full time income with photography! 


Lock in this great price, it won't be around long!